Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Presidential Debate: Numero Dos

Gil Kaufman criticizes both presidential candidates in their debating techniques and how they can improve their ratings in his article, What do John McCain and Barack Obama Need to Accomplish in Second Debate? Kaufman writes that McCain has the upper hand in such areas as foreign policy and also displays some quick wit and biting humor on the podium. Obama, on the other hand, needs to work on his conversational tone for the debates and be ready for a verbal attack from McCain. Obama still maintains his lead with voters for the time being, according to Kaufman’s article, because of his confident manner and his ability to hold his ground when stuck in a corner during debates. Obama also won over voters with his winning economic bailout plan, discussed during the last presidential debate. For tonight’s debate, Kaufman advises McCain to hit Obama hard, as he has been relatively civil in the past debate. In my eyes, after reading this article and watching the debates, I believe Obama to be much less experienced and prepared for office as he seems, and quite frankly I would be frightened to live in America if he were to win. I believe McCain to be not exactly the ideal candidate, but definitely trustworthy, genuine, and experienced enough for the job.

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