Thursday, April 16, 2009

T-H-E- H-O-B-B-I-T yeah.

I have chosen to read The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien.I decided to read this particular book because I have always been a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings movies but have never gotten around to reading the trilogy. I figured before I read the three massive books, I might as well start from the beginning, with the Hobbit. As far as I know The Hobbit is about, the famed Frodo's, uncle Bilbo, and his first adventure. The story encompasses how Bilbo first left the protected and comfortable Shire to go an an adventure beyond his own imagination. It also tells us Lord of the Rings fanatics about the background of the Ring's passage to existence in the shire and how it got placed into Frodo's hands in the first place. I have a feeling this book will give me all the insight I need into Middle Earth and everything that went on before the tale of Frodo and the Fellowship. J.R.R. Tolkien was a master with words and probably had an imagination that ranged far further than his magnificent books. Yes. I'm a gigantic nerd for being so obsessed with Lord of the Rings but I am very excited to read the Hobbit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've got it right there; Tolkien was a master with words...His imagination was amazing! His creating-his-own-world was what inspired me in my writing! :)

God bless, and have a great time on your reading; that was one of my favorite works of his,

Taylor J. Beisler