Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bringing Home the Bacon

I've recently read a very interesting article called A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles, by  M.P. DUNLEAVEY. This article was primarily about a women's thoughts on the concept of gender roles in marriage. In this brief editorial, a woman expresses her first feelings of happiness followed by feelings of uncertainty when she discovers tat she is pregnant and that her husband will have to quit his job and remain at home with the baby, while she is out earning the real money to support the family. The author of this article first states that her views on marriage are based solely on the idea on equality, although later she confesses that she felt uncomfortable being the prime monetary support in the family. She states that men in today's society are brought up with a sense of esteem and responsibility that women are not.  Although men are traditionally thought to be the breadwinners of the family, a recent survey shows that about a third of wives in today's society earn more money than their husbands, and about 43% of overall household income was earned by women.

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