Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tooth and Nail

There are millions of cultures and sub cultures all around the world. Some are more popular than others, some are unknown to those not involved. Some mistake culture as being a factor of religious beliefs, however culture is something quite different. For instance, in Stephanie Meyers, Eclipse, there are 3 prominent cultures present in the small town of Forks,and these cultures are prone to clashing. First are the Vampires. The Vampires that reside in Forks are friendly, ununlike some of their more violent counterparts, and have made a life long oath not to drink the blood of humans. Secondly come the Werewolves, the werewolf clan lives right outside of Forks on an Indian Reservation called La Push. It is the werewolves inept responsibility from birth to protect humans from the Vampires, so therefore, even amidst the fact that the Forks Vampires are vegetarians, the werewolves aren't to kindly towards their paler neighbors. Humans, such as Bella Swan, fall right in the middle. Most humans, however, are blatantly unaware of the fact that either Vampires or Werewolves exist at all, not to mention that they might be living next door to one. Bella Swan the love interest of one vampire, Edward Cullen, and best friend of werewolf, Jacob Black, has quite the predicament on her hands. Clashing cultures never serve well in close proximity to one another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your blog.
keep it up =]