In the city of Forks, where the unlikely romance depicted in Stephanie Meyers Twilight series, takes place, there is no shortage of trouble. To start off with, Bella Swan, an ordinary highschool girl from Arizona is madly in love with a deadly, dangerous, and moody vampire named Edward Cullen, not to mention he's crazy for her too. Secondly, Bella's best friend, Jacob Black, was morphed into a werewolf during the second book, and therefore became a sworn enemy and hunter of Edward and any other vampires. I have just begun to read the third installment of the novels, Eclipse, where the continuing story line starts right were it left off. With pure and interuppted struggle. This time around, Bella is struggling to overcome her dad's harsh grounding rules, which include being away from her beloved Edward during the afternoons. Howver, like any other troubles the couple faces, they seem to easily overcome it. Edward just sneaks up through Bella's window every night and puts to use his keen (almost batlike!) abilities to detect Charlie's movements and thoughts. Bella and Edward's addiction to one another, however romantic, will only lead to more struggle and strife in my opinion. I believe it will cause Bella to unknowingly cut herself off from the rest of the world, which is a dangerous place to be when your in a relationship with someone who could eat you.
Citation of Eclipse:
Meyer, Stephanie. Eclipse. New York:
Little, Brown and Company, 2007.
El Fin
15 years ago
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