Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hoping for Eternity

Last night, I read the next couple of chapters in Stephanie Meyers Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight series. In the reading, I noticed a reoccurring theme of hope to be present throughout the novel thus far. One ongoing example of hope within Twilight is Bella's continuing hopefulness that she will one day be turned into a vampire so she will be able to live with her lover, Edward Cullen, for eternity. Bella begs and pleads with Edward to allow her to make the painful transformation but Edward refuses. He loves Bella so much that, indifferent to her wishes, he cannot bear the thought of letting her become a monster like himself. Although, in the past couple chapters a ray of reality appeared at the end of Bella's tunnel of hope. The Cullen family put the matter of transforming Bella to a vote and it came out in her favor. Edward was furious but, i believe, a little relieved with the thought that he would never have to lose Bella to death. This text shows that if you pursue something with enough hope and determination, you will mostly always be successful. Without Bella's consistency she would have never overcome Edward's opinion.

(citation previously recorded )

1 comment:

Angelica said...

Amazing! Keep up the good work!